Medicare Supplement Plans...
Have a monthly premium in addition to Medicare Part B premium.
They allow you to choose any provider that accepts Medicare.
There are no Provider Networks.
Example: Plan "G", Monthly Premium
In Idaho, a Plan G, monthly premium ranges from $185 - $250 in addition to the Part B monthly premium that generally is $164.90 for 2023.
Depending upon your MAGI (Modified Adjusted Gross Income) it could be more. SEE the “What is IRMAA? chart for more details.
Generally most MAPD plans have NO monthly premium, just the Medicare Part B premium.
Some other MAPD plans have a low monthly premium from $10 - $20 or higher.
Medicare Advantage plans have Provider Networks, either an HMO (Health Maintenance Organization) or a PPO (Preferred Provider Organization).
Some HMO’s & PPO’s have National Networks.
MAPD (Medicare Advantage + Prescription Drugs)
MAPD plans offer additional benefits: Dental, Vision, Hearing Aids, Gym memberships, and OTC (Over the Counter) quarterly allowances that ranges from $40 - $90 per quarter.
These “other benefits “ are separate from the Part B, average monthly premium of $164.90